En Bregenz, Austria, se organiza cada año el Festival de Ópera durante cuatro semanas de verano (23 julio al 25 agosto 2014). Lo maravillo es el escenario flotante a orillas del lago Constanza donde se representan las obras. En 2014 se representará en el escenario del lago "La Flauta Mágica" (Die Zauberflöte), de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. / In Bregenz, Austria, it is organized every year the Opera Festival for four weeks of summer (23th July to 25th August 2014). It is wonderful that the floating stage on Lake Constance where the works are represented. In 2014 it will be performed at the lake stage "The Magic Flute" (Die Zauberflöte) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

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