En España se llama tortilla española a la tortilla de patatas (huevos batidos, patatas y sal) y tortilla francesa (huevos batidos y sal) a la tortilla simple. Esto tiene su correspondiente anécdota que se remonta al siglo XIX cuando el ejército napoleónico en la Guerra de la Independencia impedía abastecerse de patatas a la ciudad de Cádiz (España), ya que la ciudad estaba sitiada y los cultivos se encontraban fuera. Los gaditanos con su habitual ironía cansados de no poder comer la habitual tortilla de patatas la llamaron tortilla francesa a la tortilla sin patatas. / In Spain it is called Spanish omelette (beaten eggs, potatoes and salt) and the French (plain) omelette (beaten eggs and salt). This has its corresponding anecdote that it goes back to the nineteenth century when Napoleon's army in the war of Independence prevented stock up on potatoes the city of Cadiz (Spain) since the city was besieged and crops were outside. The citizens of Cadiz city with his usual irony, were tired of not being able to eat the Spanish omelette, therefore the plain omelette (without potatoes) is called French omelette.
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