"Café Pendiente" es una idea solidaria que surgió en Italia en 2008 y se ha extendido por todo el mundo. La idea es que los clientes que acuden a los bares, pubs y restaurantes que se unan a este proyecto, pagan su bebida o comida y luego, si lo desean, pueden pagar un café solidario o varios cafés o un desayuno o un menú para las personas sin recursos económicos que acudan al establecimiento. Gran iniciativa! / "Café Pendiente" (pending coffee) is a supportive idea that came up in Italy 2008 and has spread worldwide. The idea is that customers who go to the bars, pubs or restaurants which were joined this project up, pay their drink or food and then if they want it, can pay a supportive coffee or several coffees or a breakfast or menu for people without financial resources who attend bar or restaurant. Great initiative!
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