Si estás pensando en hacer una escapada al norte de España, hay un sitio espectacular para disfrutar del tiempo de ocio realizando actividades al aire libre y descansar rodeados de naturaleza, La Casa del Puente, en Regules, Cantabria. Un alojamiento exquisito estilo indiano, con habitaciones dobles, suites familiares y apartamentos rurales, decorados con mucho detalle. Un lugar precioso que merece la pena visitar. / If you are thinking about making a short trip to the North of Spain, La Casa del Puente (The Bridge House), in Regules, Cantabria (Spain), is a spectacular place to enjoy leisure time doing outdoor activities and have a rest surrounded by nature. An exquisite indiano style accommodation with double rooms, family suites and cottages, decorated with great detail. A beautiful place that it is worth visiting.
Note: "indiano style" is the style of Spanish people who returned to Spain having made their fortune in Latin America in the 16th and 17th centuries and it were built a large house in their village or city. It is very common in the north of Spain, this type of houses.

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