martes, 7 de febrero de 2012

Nuevas formas de negocio y de turismo / New forms of business and tourism

Ya sea porque en épocas de crisis la gente agudiza el ingenio, o por disfrutar de la compañía de personas con intereses y cultura diferentes. Se ha creado una web en París, que se llama "quiere usted cenar", para que residentes en París y alrededores, que sean acogedores, hospitalarios y amables, una vez registrados en esta web sean anfitriones en su propia casa de una auténtica cena gourmet francesa para visitantes extranjeros. Desde 55 Euros por persona, esta nueva forma de intercambio cultural y turismo participativo, resulta algo positivo para dar una buena imagen de Francia. Una forma curiosa y creativa de buena publicidad. / Whether it is because in these days of crisis, people are racked one's brains, or people want to enjoy the company of people with different interests and cultures. It has created a website in Paris, called "do you want dinner" so that residents in Paris and nearby suburb, that they are kindly, hospitable and friendly, once registered on this website, they will become host at their home of a genuine French gourmet dinner for foreign visitors. From 55 €uros per person, this new form of cultural exchange and participatory tourism, it is well to give a excellent image of France. A curious and creative way of good publicity. 

 his new form of appreciation of foreign culture, open-mindedness, cultural exchange and participatory tourism, it is well to give a excellent image of France. A curious and creative way of good publicity.

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